Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Metal/ Alternative is not just a phase!

 Hi to all my Villainz & Villainesses

VanMichaels here to share the thought that entered my thoughts today and the topic for the day

Metal/alternative music in my life was just a phase in my younger years.

Let me share this! I'm in my 40's and today I still listen, eat, sleep and breath metal music, I believe that true fans of our style of music is not just something that comes into our teenage years when we are searching for who we are, while trying to find something to rebel against besides mommy and daddy.

The reason why this comes us you say! I myself like others growing up found this type of music to be a great stress reliever when I found myself not fitting into anywhere my journey took me as a young teen, and it is safe to say that it still does the same for me to this day. 

I  as a Villain who created a line all of you could be proud of, have spoken to many people in my age group and you would be surprised at how many of them have thought that part of their life was just a phase that they seem to outgrow. Well then tell me to ask you this? Then why is that so many rockers, punks, metal heads and, heavy metal musicians are so old?

I believe that is was not just a phase that they have outgrown, but it was a passion that fueled their rage, creativity, ambitions, curiosity and they went with what drives their passion as so many other artists in the music industry have done for us with their music over the last several decades.

Only to repay them by saying "Oh I don't listen to that anymore. I was just going through a phase in my young, Well let me tell you. The hippies went through the same thing back when Jimmy Hendrix in and the other bands back in Woodstock.

What happened to them you ask? Well, they one day to feel that they too grew up, and they be doctors, attorneys, bankers, and people in the system, who feel like they were never heard in their youth. To me, they took the safe route that many people travel. Only to reach a destination where their lives have very little rewards or meaning.

Not to say that rebellion is for everyone, but it is really to have those who embrace our culture of music and to stay thinking for ourselves and staying in control of our own minds. That is the key!
Not to stop creating and settle down and become obedient to an authority that just treats you like a  number instead of a person.

Think about that!

Its okay to grow up but, don't you have to honor the music that brought you through those dark times, when no one else would listen to you.

 Still and will always be a Metalhead, a Punk, Rocker and a huge fan of the original legends of rock, Metal, and Blues.

Villain Out!


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