Saturday, June 9, 2018

Neverse Villainz (who Is VanMichaels)

Hey it's  VanMichaels her from Nverse Villain Clothing Co.

I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read my blog and continue to find out what Nverse Villainz Clothing is all about. I'm here to let you know that I believe in what is good for people, let me explain. 

I myself have dealt with the hardships of the internet marketing world where it seems like your chasing a financial dragon the has a momentum of light speed and has a tendency to leave you behind and broke. 

While many other people like your self-spend thousands of dollars trying to find that life raft in the sea of internet marketing, to try and pull themselves out of the financial rat race called society. 

I believe in people and we are of the same mind at this level of consciousness, many of you have already have experienced this level in just these last few years, and if you're reading this and can relate to what I'm saying then congratulations! You're in the right place!

You are the audience that I have been looking for on the internet since I have designed Nverse Villainz Clothing Co in the last few years. People who look at the Nverse Logo, love it, like it and some think that  it Is evil,

Well, the perception is up to your own interpretation on who you think Nverse Villainz really is.  I like to think the world means  Evil means, " Beginning Star" if you not sure what I mean then look up evil in older a dictionary and you will see what I'm mean. 

To many of you who know me Vanmichaels Thank You again for making this far with me, and for those of you who are new and just, looking or inquiring for the first time about Nverse Villainz Clothing Co. Welcome! 

To be announced! Nverse is a lot of things that why I VanMichaels licensed and created it, a lot of people thought that I could not do it, but I did. I fought friends, Family, love ones, associates, The system and other odds including, scammers, hackers, some terrorist groups who when after my money and resources.  I have to say it's not been a dull few years and sponsor ourselves with no government help. 

The main reason why I do it? Because I believe in this day and age the music scene the higher ups controls, are forcing us to move in a direction  I feel that many of us do not want to go, and I feel like our style of music is the only genre that has not been taken over by this group, who does not have us in their plans, and due to our free and kick ass  nature and our anarchy ways. Is the way we keep our independence. 

Well everything you see with the Nverse logo, which I will be revealing the true name of our logo here in the next few months, was designed or built by yours truly.  Vanmichaels.

We have an AMAZON store to be released this year to sell Nverse clothing around the world, And I'm also an author in Kindle Fire, 

Nverse Villainz has an ebook series, coming this year called the

" Anti Hero Survival "
"How Nverse Villainz Uses The Doors To The Internet Business Matrix"

Look For it! It will be a series. 

And be patient, I do most of the work myself, 

Thank You    


Villain Out!

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